3.8 Ford V6

This Ford motor is one of the most well used and recognized
amongst Fords of today and yesterday.
This motor was in some of Fords most well known cars like
the Thunderbird, Mustang, Cougar, and made its way through
to the AeroStar.

The Disassembly of The Ford 3.8L

When I started to take a part the 3.8L, I figured I
would start small.  So where do I start, the throttle

The throttle body was easy to remove since there was
only four bolts holding it in place. This picture shows
the location of the idle air bypass passage ways.


The next piece I removed was the valve covers.  This is
the way the rockers and valves look.

This picture was taken just before I removed manifold.
If you compare this picture to the one that follows you
may notice a difference in the way that the ports line up.
On my engine the ports lines up in a straight line while.....

Nate's engine ports had more of a wave pattern.
         This picture by Nate the Great.

This was probably the most intresting thing on the 3.8L,
it's a balance shaft to help against vibration.  Out of all
the engines that were taken apart, the 3.8L was the only
one with this sort of balance shaft.


After I finished looking at the unique balance shaft, I
moved on to removing the cylinder head.  Here you
can see indentations in the tops of the pitons for valve
clearance and lower compression ratio.

Here you can see how everthing is driven.  This is
usually covered by the water pump on the front of
the engine.  To remove these gears and chain is
extrmely simple, all you do is slide them off as a unit.

 Now that I had removed most of the top end, it was
time for me to move to the bottom.  And what better
  place to start than the oil pan.  Here you can see
 the oil pump and the bottom half of the crankshaft.

This was the fnal step in the disassembly in the
3.8L Ford motor.  To get the piston out, all you
do is remove the lower part of the connecting
rod and with the butt end of a hammer gently
pound it out.  You can also see the hole in the
bearing where connecting rods and main
bearings are lubricated.


Thank you for visiting my page.
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed making it.